Four ways to optimize a job application portfolio


A portfolio is a collection of projects that the candidate has participated. It shows the capacity, skillset and experience of the candidate through the learning and working process.

The portfolio is treated with great attention by employers because it is the document that helps businesses to have the best overview of the capabilities of the candidate. It can be said that a well prepared portfolio is decisive to the results of your application.

Are you a candidate preparing a job application? Find out how to optimize a job portfolio with Taurus Global Studio.

Based on the detailss shared by the Company leaders, we have summarized in the following 4 key points for the reference for our candidates to optimize their portfolios.


1. Try to help recruiters to view your CV in an easier manner, not to insert product photps to the CV file, limit the number of files.

For canditates who work in of graphics design, online portfolio is a good solution to demonstrate their knowledge and skills. Some popular online portfolio creation sites are: Dribble, Behance … In addition, video portlolios could be added in web sites such as: Vimeo, Youtube …


2. It is essential to select and submit finished products, in order to bring the best images possible into the portfolio.

A great portfolio does not require a big number of products, what really counts is the quality. Threrefore, it is sugguested to use the newest and best products to demonstrate the canditate’s skill set.


3. Follow the principle of “all in one”, one file or multiple products in to one picture, not to split one product in to multiple pictures. 


4. A well prepared CV

Although there are no short – long principles for CV and Portfolio content, but a presentation which is easy to read, and provides concise yet adequate information with draw the attentions from the employers.

Taurus Global Studio hopes that based on the little tips we have given above, you can create an impressive portfolio and find yourself a great job.